
皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康疼痛医学专家治疗所有类型的急性和慢性疼痛. We’re here to help you find the cause of pain and get relief so you can get back to the activities you enjoy.



皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校综合疼痛中心, we offer world-class diagnosis and treatment of pain problems in a caring environment. Our team is specially trained to treat injuries, disorders and complex conditions that cause pain.


董事会认证的专家团队: As part of the 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 Department of 麻醉学 and 围手术期医学, 我们所有的医生都有麻醉学和止痛药的认证. 我们是疼痛管理的领导者, 提供精确诊断和创新治疗的独特资格.

全面的诊断和量身定制的治疗方案: 我们提供全面的诊断和治疗程序. Our team uses the latest advances in pain medicine to determine the cause of pain and the best way to treat it. 你会得到一份全面的评估和周密的护理计划. 如果您的需求发生变化,我们会与您一起调整药物和疗法. Our goal is to deliver an accurate diagnosis and the safest, most effective treatments.

全人护理: Our pain management experts understand that physical discomfort can have a significant impact on your 心理健康 and well-being. 这就是为什么我们治疗疼痛的方法可能包括改变生活方式, 药物, 治疗和疼痛管理程序. We work with specialists across 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 to ensure you have the emotional support you need to feel better overall.


我们的执业医师帮助人们治疗各种类型的疼痛. 疼痛管理的第一步是确定引起疼痛的原因. 我们的医生诊断疼痛的原因, develop the most effective treatments and adjust the plan if your needs change.



Acute pain is sharp or sudden pain that results from a specific accident or 疾病. It usually gets better when you heal or when doctors treat the injury or illness that caused it.

Our experts coordinate your pain treatment plan with your primary care doctor and other specialists. We ensure that you receive effective pain management for the root cause of the pain.


慢性疼痛持续6个月或更长时间. 它可以由许多医疗条件和伤害引起. 慢性疼痛可能源于未经治疗的疾病或损伤, 或者它可以消失并在治疗后复发.

我们的专家甚至可以帮助最复杂的慢性疼痛患者. 我们专门治疗以前治疗无效的疼痛.


我们知道疼痛对睡眠有很大的影响, 心理健康, 心情和生活质量. That’s why our services extend to the physical and emotional aspects of pain. We coordinate with specialists across 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 to ensure you have the emotional support and care you need to feel better physically and mentally.


Pain is a common symptom of numerous injuries, 疾病s, disorders and conditions.

我们的疼痛医学专家帮助您缓解急性和慢性疼痛. They address pain that comes from multiple sources or hasn’t responded to previous treatments. 我们在有效的疼痛管理和治疗方面处于全国领先地位:


Back and neck pain is one of the most common reasons why people visit a pain medicine specialist. 我们知道背痛会让人非常虚弱. 它会严重影响你的生活质量, cause problems with mobility and keep you from doing the activities you enjoy. Neck and back pain can result from injuries, conditions and 疾病s, including:

  • 椎间盘突出
  • 骨折
  • 骨质疏松症
  • 坐骨神经痛(可延伸至腿部的神经痛)
  • 脊柱侧弯(脊柱弯曲)
  • 椎管狭窄(脊柱狭窄)
  • Spinal tumors and growths (both cancerous and benign) that develop along the spine


疼痛可以由癌症本身引起, 或者它可能是治疗癌症的过程和手术的副作用. 癌痛可以从轻微到严重,出现在身体的任何部位.


各种各样的损伤和状况都可能导致脊柱关节疼痛, 臀部, 膝盖, 脚踝, 肩膀和手指. Our experts work with you to reduce pain and increase flexibility and movement. 我们有治疗疼痛的经验:

  • 关节炎,包括骨关节炎和类风湿性关节炎
  • 无血管坏死,血液供应不足导致骨骼死亡
  • 滑囊炎,关节内充满液体的囊的炎症
  • 关节损伤


大多数情况下,手术后的疼痛会在几周内好转. 但有时,手术后疼痛会持续. Our physician experts find the cause of lingering pain and develop a comprehensive plan to treat it. 我们可以帮助治疗手术后的慢性疼痛,例如:

  • 截肢
  • 腹部手术,如修补疝气的手术
  • 关节置换手术,包括膝关节和髋关节置换术
  • Spine surgery, such as laminectomy, a procedure to remove part of a vertebra
  • 修复骨折的外科手术


源自神经系统的疼痛可能很复杂,而且会使人虚弱. 神经相关的疼痛是由神经损伤引起的. Several 药物 and medical conditions, such as diabetes, can cause this kind of damage. 我们的团队在治疗神经痛方面经过专门训练,包括:

  • 臂丛神经损伤,会导致手臂和手部的神经损伤
  • 复杂局部疼痛综合征(CRPS), 疼痛:引起疼痛的状况, 炎症和皮肤变化, 通常是四肢
  • 糖尿病神经病变,一种由糖尿病引起的神经疼痛
  • 周围神经病变,会导致手脚麻木
  • 枕神经痛是一种神经损伤,可引起头痛
  • 带状疱疹, a type of nerve pain that occurs when the chickenpox virus is reactivated decades after the infection is gone
  • 三叉神经痛,这是一种神经损伤,会导致严重的面部疼痛


Our team approaches chronic pain with compassion, expertise and proven treatments. 我们了解慢性疼痛对生活质量的影响. 它会影响睡眠、工作、人际关系等等. 我们与您一起发现能带来改变的治疗方法. 我们的专家帮助人们:

  • 全身肌筋膜疼痛
  • 纤维肌痛,包括广泛的肌肉疼痛
  • 偏头痛
  • Spasticity (overactive muscle contractions) that can result from cerebral palsy (CP), 多发性硬化(MS)或中风


Our highly skilled specialists help you find pain relief using a combination of treatments. 我们提供:


Pain often gets better with conservative treatments such as 药物, physical therapy and rest. Whenever possible, we prescribe nonopioid 药物 to reduce the risk of dependency. If your pain doesn’t respond to noninvasive treatments, we may recommend other options.


Our board-certified anesthesiologists are skilled at delivering many types of injections. These procedures relieve pain, reduce inflammation and block overactive nerve signals. 它们作用于脊柱、关节内部和全身的神经. Injections also help your doctor diagnose pain by determining exactly where it’s coming from. 这些治疗方法非常有效和安全. 我们的医生提供:

  • 神经: We inject numbing medication or anti-inflammatory medication directly into the source of pain. 这些手术包括硬膜外注射,以缓解颈部和背部疼痛.
  • 同情: 这些针剂可以减轻慢性疼痛综合征的疼痛. The medication targets the part of the nervous system that controls involuntary functions such as blood flow and digestion. Our experts use X-ray or ultrasound to deliver treatments to the precise location of pain.
  • 联合注射: We administer corticosteroid medication to relieve pain in joints throughout the body.
  • 触发点注射: 触发点是肌肉不能放松时形成的肌肉结. These injections relieve muscle and tissue discomfort from fibromyalgia and myofascial pain.
  • 肉毒杆菌注射®: These reduce pain from migraines and muscle spasticity by blocking the nerve signals that cause muscles to contract.


脊柱后凸成形术是一种治疗脊柱压缩性骨折的手术. 我们用一根空心针,将一种水泥注入受损的椎体. 这个手术可以稳定骨折的骨头并减轻疼痛.


射频消融术, 也叫神经切断术或神经根切断术, 针对特定的神经而不损害其他组织. We use radio waves and safe doses of electrical currents to destroy nerves that are causing pain.


我们的专家可能会推荐植入式泵来治疗严重的背部疼痛, 腹痛和肌肉痉挛. 我们在手术中插入一个冰球大小的泵. The pump slowly releases a steady dose of pain medication into the fluid-filled area around the spinal cord, 提供持续的疼痛缓解.


This technique helps people with chronic back pain or pain in the arms or legs. We insert a pulse generator under the skin that delivers a low-voltage current to the spine. 电流阻断了疼痛的感觉. 根据你的疼痛程度来调整电流.


我们的医生在麻醉学和疼痛医学方面获得了委员会认证. We bring together years of experience and expertise to treat pain that results from all types of injuries, 疾病, 疾病和医疗状况.


Our expert team offers customized plans and effective treatments for all types of pain. 呼叫 310-794-1841 联系疼痛管理专家.


我们受过专门训练的医生提供量身定制的护理计划, 对所有类型的疼痛进行有效的治疗和疼痛管理. 呼叫 310-794-1841 联系专门治疗疼痛的医生.