
皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心的儿科外科医生在先进的技术和优异的疗效方面处于全国领先地位. We offer the full range of procedures in the hospital and on an outpatient basis, 拥有治疗新生儿的专业知识, 儿童和青少年.



皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康儿科外科医生在最新的外科技术和综合护理的最前沿. 我们与初级保健儿科医生密切合作, family physicians and pediatric specialists to provide 有效的治疗方法. 我们课程的亮点包括:

专业技能: Our outstanding surgical team has specialized experience in many different areas, 包括胃肠道(GI), 结直肠, 肿瘤学和胸外科. 我们还擅长微创技术,需要更少的缝线和更短的恢复时间. 这意味着我们能够根据您孩子的需求进行手术,并提供精确的治疗, 有效的治疗方法.

世界知名的计划: UCLA Mattel Children's Hospital is a major referral center for treating chest anomalies, including pectus excavatum (sunken chest syndrome). This disorder causes the chest to cave in toward the backbone. 来自美国和世界各地的病人来我们这里做手术治疗这些疾病. 我们的外科医生在这些和其他技术方面处于领先地位,结果非常好.

治疗最小婴儿的经验:皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康胎儿护理中心, our labor and delivery department is located right next to neonatal care. This means we’re able to deliver advanced care to babies immediately after they’re born. 一个多专业的外科医生团队, 母胎医学专家, 心脏病专家和新生儿专家一起为患有各种疾病的婴儿提供特殊的护理. 了解更多关于皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康胎儿护理中心.

便利性和可达性: 我们的专业外科医生致力于在洛杉矶地区的多个地点为我们的皇冠hga020电脑版成员服务. Your child receives world-class outpatient treatments close to where you live. We focus on delivering convenient, full-service care to each patient.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康儿科外科医生提供有效的护理使用最新的外科技术. You can feel comfortable knowing that your child is in expert hands. 我们的服务包括:


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 pediatric surgeons are skilled at performing a spectrum of surgeries, from common outpatient procedures to complex operations that require a hospital stay. 不管你的孩子需要什么样的手术, 我们的专家团队在这里提供最先进的治疗和卓越的外科护理.

我们提供几种微创手术, including robotic surgery techniques that are extremely precise. Minimally invasive surgeries usually involve smaller incisions, fewer stitches and less recovery time than traditional (open) surgery. 我们的专家也可以在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校美泰儿科创伤中心和皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校港湾医疗中心提供挽救生命的创伤手术支持.


在这个多专业护理中心, pediatric surgeons work alongside experts from maternal fetal medicine, 儿科和新生儿. 我们的团队为先天性畸形婴儿和出生时需要手术护理的婴儿提供完整的连续护理. Our unique setup allows us to care for moms and babies before, 交货期间和交货后, 都在同一层.

在怀孕期间, 我们为父母提供产前咨询, compassionate support and important information about their baby’s treatment plan. 交货日, 婴儿在出生后直接过渡到新生儿护理(必要时接受新生儿手术). 婴儿出生后立即接受至关重要的护理, without needing to be transferred to a different hospital.

This approach enables our surgeons to deliver treatments as soon as possible, 带来更好的结果. It also allows parents and babies to stay close during treatment.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康儿科外科医生开创了一些治疗漏斗胸的第一批技术, 儿童常见的胸部畸形. Pectus excavatum is also called sunken chest syndrome or funnel chest. 这种情况导致前肋骨和胸骨(胸骨)向脊柱凹陷或凹陷. In severe cases, the disorder can lead to breathing problems and heart issues.

Pectus carinatum (pigeon chest) causes the chest to stick out or protrude. 这两种疾病都是由软骨生长异常引起的,通常发生在儿童或青春期.

我们的外科医生擅长微创技术以及传统(开放)手术来治疗这些胸部异常. 与传统手术相比,微创手术通常疼痛更少,住院时间也更短. 作为一个主要的转诊中心,我们治疗来自世界各地患有这些疾病的儿童. 我们与您和您的孩子密切合作,根据您孩子的年龄定制有效的治疗方法, 生活方式和整体健康.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的儿科外科医生有最新技术切除癌性和良性(非癌性)肿瘤的经验. 我们与您孩子的肿瘤团队合作,在每一步提供协调一致的护理和坚定的支持. As leaders in comprehensive cancer care for children, 我们专门做一系列的手术, including thoracic surgery to remove tumors on the lungs or chest wall.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的儿科外科医生在儿童和青少年减肥手术方面有专门的专业知识. We understand the unique needs of children who have obesity. Our highly specialized expertise allows us to deliver safe, 为年轻患者设计的有效治疗方法.

We partner with the 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 FIT for Healthy Weight Program to offer bariatric surgery, 还有一些行之有效的减肥方法, keep it off and improve each child’s physical well-being. 在手术前后支持你的孩子, we offer classes on exercising and adopting healthier habits for life. Registered dietitians create detailed nutrition plans to maximize your child’s health.


我们的专家团队使用最新的外科技术治疗各种类型的儿童血管异常. 血管异常(如血管瘤)和畸形是血管发育异常时形成的生长或胎记.

We use sophisticated imaging to plan and perform these surgeries, 这通常需要很高的精确度. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 pediatric surgeons are skilled at advanced techniques, 包括激光, to remove vascular anomalies safely while minimizing scarring as much as possible. 使用团队方法, 我们与儿科皮肤科医生合作, 血液学家, 介入放射科医生和整形和重建外科医生提供最有效的护理.


作为儿科外科领域的全球领导者, 我们的团队治疗各种情况, 失调和疾病. 我们专注于帮助婴儿,儿童和青少年在出生时就存在的条件. Our expertise also includes treating acquired conditions, such as injuries that result from accidents and trauma. Some of the most common conditions we treat include:

  • 出生缺陷, 包括气管食管瘘, 当气管和食道(将食物运送到胃部的管道)之间出现异常开口时,就会发生这种情况。
  • 童年癌症, 包括肾母细胞瘤(生长于肾脏), neuroblastoma (cancer that starts in nerve tissue), childhood ovarian masses and rhabdomyosarcoma (soft tissue tumor)
  • 儿童肥胖
  • 结直肠疾病,如巨结肠病, encopresis and anorectal malformations (abnormalities of the lower intestines)
  • 疝, 包括脐疝(肠道通过肚脐突出腹壁)和腹股沟疝(肠道通过腹股沟突出腹壁)。
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), including ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease
  • Pectus excavatum (sunken chest syndrome) and pectus carinatum (pigeon chest)


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心的儿科外科医生在执行最复杂的手术方面都非常熟练. We have experience treating babies, children and teens. 我们的专长是:

冷冻消融术技术: We use extreme cold to remove damaged or abnormal tissues from anywhere on the body. Cryoablation procedures involve less pain and scarring than open surgery.

疝修补术: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康外科医生擅长微创技术修复多种类型的儿童疝气.

炎症性肠病手术: 克罗恩病和溃疡性结肠炎的手术治疗取决于病情的类型和严重程度. We specialize in all surgical procedures, including restorative proctocolectomy. 在手术过程中, we remove the diseased part of the intestines while keeping the anus intact, allowing the child to have normal control of bowel movements. 我们还擅长高级胃肠道手术,包括全部或部分切除结肠的手术.

主犯过程: This procedure is a minimally invasive option to treat pectus excavatum. 使用几个小切口, 外科医生插入了一个定制的, curved bar into the chest and then rotate it so it pushes the chest out. 酒吧可以维持2到3年. Surgeons remove the bar during an outpatient procedure.

睾丸切除术(矫正睾丸): 在这个过程中, 外科医生轻轻地将睾丸移动到阴囊的适当位置,并将其缝合到位.

切除良性肿瘤: We perform several of these procedures on an outpatient basis. These include operations to remove benign (noncancerous) cysts, 头部的肿块, 脖子, 树干, 胳膊和腿.

袖胃切除术: This weight-loss surgery involves removing up to 80% of the stomach, 减少孩子能吃的量,同时还能让他们吸收成长所需的营养.

肿瘤外科: 我们的外科医生与儿科肿瘤学家密切合作,治疗一系列儿童癌症. We remove tumors using the latest technology and advanced techniques.


所有皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心的儿科外科医生都是美国外科医师学会的杰出会员.A.C.S.) and Fellows of the American Academy of Pediatrics (F.A.A.P.). 我们在住院和门诊手术方面拥有无与伦比的专业知识,为您的孩子提供卓越的外科护理.

All faculty are distinguished as Fellows of the American College Surgeons (F.A.C.S.) and Fellows of the American Academy of Pediatrics (F.A.A.P.).


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康儿科外科医生使用最新的外科技术,为每个孩子提供卓越的护理. 呼叫 310-206-2429 与专家联系.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康儿科外科医生专注于为每个孩子提供出色的外科护理. 呼叫 310-206-2429 与专家联系.


For additional information regarding your child’s upcoming surgery, please visit our patient and family guide to preparing for surgery.