Arrhythmia Care

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康心律失常中心提供了一些最全面的, 国内最先进的治疗各种心律失常的方法.

Monitor patients heart rate

Why choose UCLA Health for arrhythmia care?

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康心律失常中心是全国同类中心中最全面的中心之一. 我们使用最先进的诊断和治疗工具,为所有年龄段的患者提供世界一流的护理.

Additional highlights of our program include:

Multispecialty care: 来自皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校多个健康中心的专家一起工作,提供全面的护理. 我们的团队包括心脏外科、胸外科和成人先天性心脏病专家. We also work closely with the Ahmanson UCLA Health Cardiomyopathy Center, the largest heart failure program in the western United States.

Access to genetic testing: Many heart arrhythmias are genetic. 我们为患者和家属提供有关遗传疾病可能性的基因检测和咨询服务.

Training and research: 心律失常中心是研究和培训的主要资源. 我们接待来自世界各地的心脏病专家,并提供心脏电生理学(心脏电活动的研究)的奖学金。. 我们享誉世界的研究团队正在塑造心脏电生理学的未来,以改善患者的护理和结果.

Our specialties

我们的医生通过心律失常中心的多个项目来照顾病人. Services include:

Atrial Fibrillation (AFib) Program

Atrial fibrillation is an irregular heart rhythm. We treat patients with AFib using state-of-the-art techniques. 我们专门治疗患有心房纤颤和心衰等共存疾病的患者, congenital heart disease (present at birth) or previous heart surgery.

Arrhythmia management in congenital heart disease

我们为患有心律失常和成人先天性心脏病的患者提供全面的护理. 我们的心律失常专家与Ahmanson/UCLA健康成人先天性心脏病中心的专家合作.

Inherited Cardiac Arrhythmia Program

This clinical, 研究和教育计划的重点是治疗遗传性心律失常患者. 我们提供全面的评估,以便您了解诊断和如何管理它.

Ventricular Tachycardia Program

室性心动过速(VT)是一种快速的、可能危及生命的心律. It’s often caused by other heart problems. Surgery to treat VT involves complex ablation procedures. 多位心脏专家共同努力,确保患者安全和最佳结果.

Conditions we treat

Many conditions can affect the heart’s rhythm. Some of the conditions we treat in the Cardiac Arrhythmia Center include:

Atrial fibrillation (AFib): When the two upper heart chambers (atria) don’t beat in coordination, leading to an irregular or fluttery heartbeat

Atrial flutter: When the atria beat too quickly, often causing a fast heartbeat

Bradycardia: A slow heart rate, typically below 60 beats per minute

Tachycardia: A fast heart rate, typically above 100 beats per minute

Premature ventricular contractions: 另外,从心脏的两个心室开始的早期心跳

Ventricular tachycardia: A fast heart rate that starts in the ventricles

Ventricular fibrillation: A dangerous, 当心室不协调跳动而颤动时发生的危及生命的心律失常

Arrhythmia treatments we offer



For many patients, the first arrhythmia treatment is medication. Various medications can reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke, as well as slow the progression of heart disease. Common medications include:

Anticoagulants: 也被称为血液稀释剂,这些药物使你的血液更难形成血栓.

Beta blockers: These medicines lower your blood pressure by slowing your heart rate.

Calcium channel blockers: 这些药物通过阻断钙流入心脏和血管来降低血压和治疗心律失常.

Implantable devices

一些心律失常患者受益于监测和控制不规则心律的植入式装置. The devices are typically placed in the chest. Some have wires, called leads, that extend to the heart. We offer exceptional care and specialize in difficult or failed implants. Services include:

Pacemaker implant: 这种装置使用低电平的电脉冲来控制异常的心律.

Implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) implant: ICD可以检测危及生命的心律失常,比如可能导致心脏骤停的心律失常. When this happens, ICD会发出高强度的电脉冲,将心脏震回正常节律.

Lead extraction: 虽然设备导线(引线)应该长期留在体内,但有时它们需要被移除. 在极少数情况下,如果设备感染,外科医生也可能需要移除设备 . 我们的心律失常专家与心脏外科医生合作,使用激光技术去除导联.

Outpatient Device Clinic: Through this clinic, 我们的专家每年执行数千次设备检查,以监测功能并确保出色的结果.

Electrical cardioversion

这种非手术治疗使用电击来纠正不规则的心律. It takes only a few minutes for the heart to return to a normal rhythm.

Electrical cardioversion is different than defibrillation. 除颤是一种紧急程序,使用更高强度的电击来纠正危及生命的心律失常. Doctors typically schedule electrical cardioversion in advance. 这是一个门诊程序,意味着患者可以在治疗当天回家.  

Catheter ablation using stereotaxis magnetic navigation  

我们是皇冠hga025仅有的四个拥有立体定向磁导航系统的中心之一. 在消融过程中,医生控制它的低强度磁场来引导导管. The system also integrates with standard and 3D X-rays, allowing us to view the position of the catheter in real-time. 这项技术使我们的操作更加精确和稳定.

Percutaneous epicardial ablation

有时不正常的心律发生在心肌外的组织中. To access this area, 我们的外科医生将一根针穿过胸腔插入环绕心脏的囊(心包)的内膜。. Then they insert the catheter ablation tool. 我们是美国西部第一个致力于这项创新手术的中心.

Surgical ablation

我们的电生理学家(专门研究心脏电系统的医生)和外科团队紧密合作. 我们使用创新的方法来管理心律失常,如迷宫手术 . 这种微创手术使用极热或极冷的能量在上心室形成疤痕组织. The scar tissue blocks irregular electrical impulses that cause AFib.

Meet the team

我们的专家是诊断和治疗各种类型心律失常的专家. In addition to providing exceptional patient care, 我们的医生进行研究并培训下一代临床领导者.

Contact us

Call 310-206-2235 要求预约皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的心律失常专家.

Find your care

Our specialists offer comprehensive arrythmia care. To learn more about our services, call 310-206-2235.