
The UCLA 性别的健康 Program ensures that all patients have access to compassionate, inclusive, 公平医疗.

Trans woman


Our mission at the UCLA 性别的健康 Program is to provide healthcare equality for people who are transgender or gender diverse (TGD) that is sensitive to everyone’s individual needs. 每个人的旅程都是独一无二的. 在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校,我们认识到每个人都需要不同的东西, and we want to get to know you so that we can take care of the whole you.


国家认可: 我们已经获得了认可 LGBTQ+医疗公平领袖 自2017年起,每年从人权运动基金会(HRC)获得资助. The HRC evaluates facilities’ policies and practices related to equity and inclusion when caring for LGBTQ+ patients, 访客及员工.

全方位保健: 我们为女同性恋者提供广泛的LGBTQ+初级保健服务, gay, bisexual, 跨性别和酷儿/质疑儿童, 青少年和成人. 我们还提供一系列性别肯定的医疗保健选择, including 激素治疗和 all 性别确认手术的类型. 

多学科的方法: Our teams work together to provide comprehensive and compassionate care in a safe and welcoming environment for all our TGD patients. 

精神健康资源: We offer a variety of behavioral health services for TGD children, adolescents, and adults. 

方便的位置: Our primary care providers who regularly care for TGD patients conveniently practice at several locations throughout the greater Los Angeles region. 这意味着你可以随时在家附近获得专家护理.

Our services

In addition to providing comprehensive medical services to all 跨性别和性别多样化患者, 我们为有特殊问题的患者提供专业方案, including:

初级保健服务: 我们提供全方位的初级保健服务, 包括预防性保健, vaccinations, 慢性病管理和性健康服务, offered by primary care providers who are sensitive to caring for LGBTQ+ patients and the needs of the TGD community.

激素疗法: 我们提供个性化的性别确认激素治疗, using a variety of medications and approaches to ensure that your treatment is meeting your goals.

面部重建: 我们的颅面, plastic and ENT surgeons offer facial reconstruction procedures to best achieve your goals, 包括前额重建, 脸颊增大, 下巴减少, 颧骨降低, facelift, neck lift, brow lift, eyelid, 鼻子或耳朵手术, 丰唇和气管剃须.

胸/前手术: 我们的专家团队 of specialists in plastic surgery perform gender-affirming chest and breast surgeries, including bilateral mastectomy with masculinizing chest reconstruction, 还有隆胸.

生殖器再造手术/臀部手术: We have assembled an expert team of specialists in urology and gynecology to perform gender-affirming surgeries, 包括阴茎成形术, metoidioplasty, 睾丸切除术和阴道成形术.

妇科护理: 我们的妇科医生提供全方位的妇科护理, as well as surgical services including hysterectomy and evaluation for concerns following reconstructive surgery.

生殖健康 & Fertility: 我们提供一系列的 reproductive services to help our patients reach their reproductive desires, including assistance with egg or sperm preservation prior to gender-affirming treatments or surgeries.

声音疗法 & 声音手术: We provide both voice therapy and surgery to help you achieve your vocal goals safely and effectively.

行为健康服务: 我们为儿童提供各种行为健康服务, adolescents, and adults, 包括行为健康问题的评估, 治疗, medication management and assistance obtaining documentation of medical and surgical readiness if needed.


我们提供一系列的 treatments 以及性别肯定的医疗保健选择 to support 跨性别和性别多样化患者. 我们提供的常见治疗包括: 


Transgender and gender diverse individuals often have unique concerns. 我们的专业顾问提供 一对一,家庭或团体治疗方案. 我们会根据你的需求为你匹配合适的治疗师.


Treatments like 激素治疗和 surgery can alter a transgender person’s fertility. We offer fertility preservation options to transgender patients before transition.


Transgender patients may opt for noninvasive treatments to help them transition to a gender expression that matches their gender identity. 常见选项包括: 

激素疗法/青春期阻滞剂: Patients may opt to take hormones such as androgen or estrogen to achieve a more desirable gender expression. Younger patients may also take blockers or drugs that prevent puberty.

声音疗法: Speech-language pathologists offer voice therapy to help patients achieve a pitch, 符合他们性别认同的共鸣和语调. We also offer communication therapy to help patients communicate in a way that expresses their truest self. 


For some people, gender-affirming surgery is a vital step in the transitioning process. 在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心,你会发现:

胸部重建/顶部手术: We offer bilateral mastectomy to achieve a more masculine chest 还有隆胸 to achieve a more feminine chest.

面部重建: Our expert craniofacial and plastic surgeons provide a variety of surgery options to help patients achieve their desired appearance.

生殖器重建/底部手术: 我们与整形外科专家密切合作, urology and gynecology for surgical transitions that involve changing a patient’s genitalia. Our specialists recommend surgery options based on specific concerns and goals. 


Our team includes primary care physicians as well as expert surgeons, 心理健康专业人员, 语言病理学家, 社会工作者等. We collaborate to offer you comprehensive, evidence-based LGBTQ+ health care.

Contact us

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的性别健康项目, we understand the unique challenges that gender-diverse patients face when searching for health care. 提供个性化 gender 确认卫生 care 涉及专业医生之间的合作, which is why we have a Care Coordinator as your first point of contact. 讨论你的个人目标和需求, so that we can plan the best approach to referral coordination and appointments, 请致电皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校性别健康项目护理协调员 (310) 267-4334.

如有问题或其他信息,请发送电子邮件 (电子邮件保护)

Note: To protect your privacy, please do not include any personal images if you choose to e-mail us.


The first step in enrolling in the UCLA 性别的健康 Program is an over the phone intake visit with our case management team. During the phone intake appointment our case management team will ask a variety of questions that will allow us to streamline your care through our health system and help us link you to any additional information or community-based resources you might need. Intake appointments are available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 1–5 p.m. 周二和周四早上8点半开始.m.–12 p.m., although we may be able to accommodate alternative schedules as necessary.


UCLA Health is a safe and supportive environment for transgender and gender diverse patients. Call 310-267-4334 预约.